About Me

I am blessed with an incredible marriage to my best friend - Dawn. We have two beautiful daughters - Sarah, who is 20 and in college and Molly, who is 16 and going to be a Junior. I couldn't be more proud of all the women in my life. I love music and have the awesome opportunity to use it each and every day at First Baptist Church, Woodward, OK. God has blessed me and my family way beyond our wildest dreams. My life long dream has been to learn to fly and God is allowing me to fulfill that dream. As of right now I have 13.2 hrs and am within about 7 hrs from soloing. Dear God Help me!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dreams Really Come True!

When I was about 8 - 10 years old we had a pastor, Herb Masters, who offered a challenge at bible school to bring more of our friends. The prize was an airplane ride in his personal airplane. I was one of the recipients. I can remember always wanting to learn to fly from that moment. That has been a goal of mine since that time. Many years ago I made a commitment to myself that I would, with the Lords help, learn to fly in my forties. When I delivered mail, out on route 3 which went right by the airport, I would dream that I would someday be taking off in an airplane at that airport. Well, not only have I taken off from that airport many times this last year, but Tuesday evening I accomplished the first step of my goal. My instructor and I did a couple of take-offs and landings where he was just along for the ride. After the second landing, when we got back in the air, he told me he had all faith that I could take-off and land that plane by myself and ask if I was ready. Because my instructor is the best and God had helped me with my confidence, I agreed. We landed, he got out, I taxed down to the north end of the runway, made my call, "Woodward traffic, Cessna 5453 mike, departing one-seven, west Woodward," proceeded to the run way, wound it up, and off I went. Stayed in the flight pattern, which is left-crosswind, left-downwind, left-base, and final. Then I set her down on that runway. My first SOLO! What an awesome experience! Thanks to Randy Schultz(my instructor), my family and friends and most of all, to God.


Unknown said...

That was a great story! I didn't remember that the contest was the reason you have always wanted to fly! I'm so glad the Lord has taken care of you on all your lessons! Love you.

Sarah Kamolz said...

Dad! Why didn't you ever tell me that is why you wanted to fly? That was an awesome story! I'm so proud of you and excited for you! I love you and you are an amazing father!

Shelley said...

Congratulations! It is great when God gives us the blessing of seeing our dreams come true. I am glad that you "got your wings". God will use your flying skills to minister to others. Maybe someday you can give me a ride. However, I hate to fly so that will take some faith on my part. I pray that all your landings are happy ones.

Unknown said...

Maybe your ministry in the airplane will be to help people like Shelley conquer their fears!! LOL

Becky said...

Wow, I didn't know you were learning to fly. That is cool, but not being a fan of small aircraft - I will
wave to you as you soar overhead and pray for your safety :)

Kara said...

That is so awesome! I love the story too about why you wanted to fly. I can't wait to hear more about your travels!